
This is where you can see the latest in cute, handmade, catnip filled toys and catch up with goings on in the world of Simba
and his mentor, Misi!

Monday, June 28, 2010

Catnip toys in the shape of cats

Here is a selection of toys from the cat-shaped collection of catnip toys. What makes them so special? Well, apart from each one being different, they're handmade and have the strictest quality control by way of the watchful eyes of Bruno and Misi. They come in a variety of colours and patterns and eye colour, and each combination is given a name. Bruno chose the names and as he's Italian, all the cats have Italian names.
Inside them all, they have a removable and replaceable cotton sachet filled with a generous amount of organic catnip. Being removable means you can wash the toy gently by hand if need be, or replace the sachet if the potency begins to dwindle.
Some of the toys (combi) have a removable stick and elastic. You can use this to bounce the toy up and down in front of the cat and let him leap up to catch it. Cats CAN jump! Alternatively, the simple toys the cat can play with on his own.

So we have:
Left → Right Back Row: Lucia, Cecilia, Gino, Stella, Barbara
Left → Right Middle Row: Ugo, Cinzia, Ludo, Gino (again. He ran round...)
Front Row: Bruno (because he's brown, not because he looks like Bruno, Bruno)

Friday, June 25, 2010


Well, this is the new blog, a combined effort between Bruno and his mum, Wendy. Bruno gets up to so many funny things, it seems a shame not to share. At the same time, We have some really cute toys to offer you, and news about them tends to get bogged down in my other blog. I thought it was time to have a feline-dedicated blog where we can share our thoughts on a range of subjects. Not to be forgotten is Misi, Bruno's teacher, and she will also be contributing to the blog from time to time.